
Monday, July 6, 2015

Read XML using XMLDocument class by tag / attribute / value in C#

We can read XML from C# in many ways, here is the easiest way to do that.

Let's take the below XML for reference,
  <Region name="ASIA" code="ASI">
    <Country name="India" code="IND"></Country>
  <Region name="Europe" code="Eu">
    <Country name="Greece" code="GR"></Country>
    <Country>United Kingdom</Country>

We have Regions as root tag and Region as child nodes for that.
Each region will have multiple countries as child nodes to region tag.

First read the XML using XMLDocument class, which is under System.XML name space.

            var xmlDo = new XmlDocument();

I have hard coded the path above, but you can refer dynamically from project folder.

           To get all the xml nodes with tag name
            XmlNodeList itemNodes = xmlDo.SelectNodes("Regions/Region");
By using above statement we get two xml nodes, because we have two "Region" tags in xml.

We can get single region by providing any of the unique property for the region .
       To get all the xml nodes by filter with value
      XmlNodeList itemNodesbyValue = xmlDo.SelectNodes("Regions/Region[@name='ASIA']");
Here we have used ASIA as filter now we get only one region tag with name as "ASIA".

We can get single node by using "SelectSingleNode" method as below,

        XmlNode xnode = xmlDo.SelectSingleNode("Regions/Region[@name='ASIA']");

As we got the xml node we can find the values of the properties for that node using attributes as below,
            string nodeValue = xnode.Attributes["code"].Value;
From the above statement we can get value as "ASI" of attribute "code".
Like the one we can get any value of the attribute, once we get the XML node.

In the above you can observe the top-down approach, first we got all the XML nodes by using the tag, then we filtered using the property of the tags, then we got single node reading, then after we read the value of the property.

Happy coding ,,,

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Unit Testing with Fakes( Shims & Stubs )

What is Fakes: 
Microsoft Fakes is a testing framework which helps us to test code and introduce fake object for external dependencies.  This framework is mostly useful in test driven development and also can be used in functional driven development.
We can create fakes using two ways
  • Shims
  • Stubs

Stub is that part of the code which gets executed instead of the actual code. When you run unit test against a unit of code and the code consist of objects that are reference by interfaces then we use stubs to create fake objects and execute that functionality. Stub should not be used for classes they are strictly for interfaces and abstract class.
Shims are another type of fakes that execute methods and return values so that actual method that is unit tested is not broken and testing is well under control.

·         Visual Studio 2012 Premium or above

Shim Example:
  1. Create new project, then select “Unit Test Project” under Test Category 

  1. Assume that you have code as below in in your project
namespace HRMS
    public class Employee
    {// Business Layer
        public Emp GetEmployeeDetails(int id)
            DataLayer dlData = new DataLayer();
            return dlData.GetEmployeeData(id);

    public class Emp
    {// Model
        public int ID;
        public string Name;
        public String Location;

    class DataLayer
    {// Data Layer
        internal Emp GetEmpData(int id)
            return new Emp { Location = "HYD", Name = "Jhon" };

Now we will test “GetEmployeeDetails” method.
  1. Add your testable project dll to unit test project. Here “HRMS.dll” will be added to our “UnitTestWithFakes” project.
  2. Now Right click on HRMS.dll and click on “Add Fakes Assembly”,

  1. After adding it will create HRMS.Fakes.dll and HRMS.Fakes files in your project,

  1. Add using statement of your fakes dll as using HRMS.Fakes;
  2. Now create a test method as below in your test project,
        public void GetEmployeeDetailsTest()
// Everything should be under the context of Shim only by using shimsContext
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
//Method to give the fake data using delegates
                ShimDataLayer.AllInstances.GetEmployeeDataInt32 = (instance, empid) =>
                        return new Emp { Location = "Bangalore", Name = "Scott" };

                Employee employeeObj = new Employee();
                Emp response = employeeObj.GetEmployeeDetails(101);
In the above example we are calling “GetEmployeeDetails” in that it is internally calling “GetEmployeeData”, we shim that method to replace the database call and provide dummy data.
While executing when the process reach “GetEmployee”, it will come to our delegate and whatever we pass from that it will take and return.
Now if you observe the class name will be shimmed and we get all the methods in the “AllInstances” of that class, by appending the parameters to the method, in the above case “GetEmployeeData” is the method and Parameter type is “Int32”. I.e. it is “GetEmployeeDataInt32”.
Parameters for the delegate is MethodParametersCount+1.
For testing purpose, I have tested with employee name.

Stub Example:
  1. Prepare an interface as below , in this case “IEmployee” is interface and  method is “CheckEmployeeExist
public interface IEmployee
        bool CheckEmployeeExist(int EmpID);
  1. Implement the interface, we can have multiple methods as well, I have taken one for sample,
    public class DataLayer : IEmployee
    {// Data Layer
        public bool CheckEmployeeExist(int id)
        {// In real time we check with data base here
            return true;
  1. Unit test method in test project,
        public void isEmployeeExist()
     IEmployee iEmp = new HRMS.Fakes.StubIEmployee()
                CheckEmployeeExistInt32 = (empid) =>
                return false;
            }// Interface methods which are stubbed

            bool response = iEmp.CheckEmployeeExist(101);

            Assert.IsFalse(response);        }
In the above the interface having the methods, which are stubbed.
We can have multiple methods with Comma (,) separation.
The base implementation of the method returns “True”, but to check we return “false” in stub method.
Shim Property:
You can shim the property of a class like below,
string name = "TestProperty";
ShimEmp.AllInstances.NameGet = (stri) => { return name; };
      The property must have get setter to make shim.

When to Use What:
Use Shims
Use Stubs
To fake the class members
To fake the interface or abstract members
To refer external referenced assemblies
Within the solution calls
When performance is not required
When performance is required
When you have static, non-virtual , sealed virtual methods
When you don’t have static, non-virtual , sealed virtual 
Not possible, when we don’t have testable methods
When we don’t have testable methods
It can fail while testing the code
It will never fail
No need of strong type
When we want strongly typed
To replace calls to .Net assemblies
Can’t be used for .Net assemblies

Note: To create fakes, the dll must have property “Copy Local: True”.

Code Samples for Redis Cache 

For Redis Cache StringGet ()  

For Cloud Configuration